Publication Process
Holistik Analisis Nexus follows a systematic and transparent publishing process that encompasses the submission, peer review, production, and publication stages. Our goal is to ensure the quality, integrity, and accessibility of the research published in our multidisciplinary journal.
Manuscript Submission:
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically through our online submission system. Submissions should adhere to our specific manuscript guidelines, which can be found on our website.
Initial Editorial Check:
Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial editorial check. Our editorial team reviews the submission to ensure it meets the journal's scope and follows the submission guidelines.
Peer Review:
Manuscripts that pass the initial check are assigned to expert peer reviewers for evaluation. Reviewers assess the quality, validity, and significance of the research. The peer review process is double-blind to ensure objectivity.
Author Revisions:
Authors receive feedback and comments from reviewers and the editorial team. They are encouraged to revise and improve their manuscript based on the feedback.
The editorial team, in consultation with the peer reviewers, makes a decision on each manuscript. The possible decisions include acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
Copyediting and Production:
Accepted manuscripts proceed to the copyediting and production stage. This involves formatting, proofreading, and preparing the article for publication. Authors are involved in this stage to ensure the accuracy of their work.
Authors receive proofs of their article to check for any errors or corrections. It is essential to review and return the proofs promptly to prevent publication delays.
Once all revisions and corrections are finalized, the article is published online on our journal's website. It is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for citation and indexing.
Indexing and Dissemination:
Our journal content is indexed in various databases, making it accessible to researchers worldwide. We also promote the published articles through social media and academic networks.
All published content is archived in recognized digital preservation services and open-access repositories to ensure its long-term availability.
On going Access:
Holistik Analisis Nexus is committed to providing open access to all published content. Articles remain accessible online and can be downloaded and cited by researchers, scholars, and readers.
Author Services:
Authors are supported throughout the publishing process with clear communication and guidance from the editorial team. We aim to ensure a smooth and transparent publication experience.
Our publishing process aims to uphold the highest ethical and quality standards, fostering a scholarly environment that promotes knowledge sharing and dissemination across diverse disciplines. We welcome contributions from researchers and authors, and we are dedicated to advancing the field of multidisciplinary research through our journal.