Copyright And License

Plagiarism Policy in the Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary  
Copyright and license statement applied by the Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary:
All copyright of articles published in the Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary remains with the author of the article. Authors have the exclusive right to use, distribute and copy their own articles for non-commercial purposes.
Articles published in the Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that everyone is permitted to copy, distribute and adapt the article, as long as the use is not for commercial purposes, the author and source are properly acknowledged, and the resulting work is also licensed under the same license.
By implementing this Creative Commons license, the Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary aims to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and enable easier access to articles published in this journal, without compromising the rights of the authors.