About the Journal

Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary is a scientific publication that aims to provide a broad platform for research, discussion, and deeper understanding across various disciplines. The journal welcomes contributions in all fields of science from various fields of study, including social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, economics, sharia, usuluddin, da'wah, tarbiah, education, civil engineering, law, computer science, business management, psychology, medicine, nursing, education, international relations, communication, architecture, nutritional sciences, biological sciences, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, literature.

The main objectives of this journal are to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, promote interdisciplinary research, and publish current research results that contribute to the development of knowledge in various disciplines. With its multidisciplinary scope, the journal is an ideal place for researchers, academics, and practitioners to share their findings, ideas, and insights in a global context.

Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary is committed to maintaining standards of excellence in scientific publications and providing an inclusive platform for researchers from all over the world. We invite eager authors to submit their contributions, as well as readers who wish to explore diverse research and thinking in different disciplines.

Journal Title :Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary
Initials : JSI
Frequency : 2 Bulanan (6 Number per/tahun)
E-ISSN : 3063-0509 (30630509/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/08/2024)
Chief Editor : Rezki Akbar Norrahman
DOI Prefix : 10.62504
Publisher : PT. Banjarese Pacific Indonesia


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)

Journal of Scientific Interdisciplinary is a scientific publication that aims to provide a broad platform for research, discussion, and deeper understanding across various disciplines. The journal welcomes contributions in all fields of science from various fields of study, including social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, economics, sharia, usuluddin, da'wah, tarbiah, education, civil engineering, law, computer science, business management, psychology, medicine, nursing, education, international relations, communication, architecture, nutritional sciences, biological sciences, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, literature.

Published: 2024-08-16


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